Hosted PBX Product Features

Whether you choose to manage your server or have us manage the server, our hosted PBX service will help you get on with supplying your customers if their telecom services.

Our current hosted PBX systems

All our hosted PBX software are installed on our custom VPS platform. You have full access to the VPS via the PBX GUI, SSH and our VPS management platform. They are allocated resources that will cover the maximum advertised number of channels.

If you choose managed, we will handle all OS updates and where possible via the CLI PBX software updates. We will also monitor the server metrics on the VPS and alert you if there are any issues. If the server crashes, we will attempt to rescue the system for you.

FreePBX is considered by many to be their primary choice, when providing VoIP to their customers. This is why we have included this system first as one of our offerings. We have the below versions available now. Managed FreePBX servers will be available shortly.

Name Specifications Price
FreePBX 15 VPS that can provide 15 concurrent calls. £14.99
FreePBX 25 VPS that can provide 25 concurrent calls. £24.99
FreePBX 35 VPS that can provide 35 concurrent calls. £34.99

VitalPBX is a fairly new comer to the Asterisk world, however it has fast become one of our favorites. Luckily we are also an official partner and can provide discounts on all their licenses.

VitalPBX is in our labs for final testing, once we are happy about all aspects of hosting this PBX, we will announce on our blog when it is available. If you would like to find out when it’s available, please contact us and we will inform you when it is ready.

 VPS with pre-installed PBX software.

Ready to go PBX software, ready to be programmed by yourself.

Access to your VPS statistics

You can view you VPS performance from within the control panel.

VPS dashboard

The Only VoIP Tool You’ll Ever Need

Why spend time finding an unsupported or vanilla image on a VPS platform, when we have specialised VPS servers specifically for PBX systems.

Full access to your PBX server

Whether you are subscribed to one PBX or multiple. You will have access to all of them via your VPS control panel. Even if your server(s) are fully managed, you have full access.

Ready To Get Started?