Contact Us

If your questions have not been answered on our website or you need to speak to us, please click on the relevant link or use our contact phone. We also have our FAQ below too, so please feel free to check them out.

Contact Sales

Speak to our sales team about any of our products. If you prefer a custom hosted PBX, please ask us and we will quote you.

Contact Support

Our support are at the ready if you have any support questions. 




Request a Feature

We are always adding features to our platform. But if you have any features you would like to be added, please feel free to ask.

Email Us

Please enter your details below and we will get back to you.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are our selection of FAQs, however if you feel one is missing, please use the form above.

What does "managed" really mean?

Once your PBX server has been deployed, it is down to you to go in and manage not only the PBX software, but the monitoring, updates and other background updates of the PBX software and server.

With managed, we ensure the server is healthy in terms of metrics like CPU, memory for example. We will inform you if any issues occur, but also help to try to get the server back online. You can on a monthly basis upgrade to managed and then drop back down to un-managed. However you must stay on either for a month. But also your server must be in a healthy state before upgrading to managed. It cannot be used to fix existing issues.

You can also decide if you prefer us to monitor and alert you only, but not take any action.

Is this a service or do I have access to the whole PBX server.

We give you full access to the VPS server. If anything goes wrong, you can always re install the server. Just make sure you have either chosen our backup option or the PBX configuration has been backed up first.

How do I get support?

You can use the above buttons to email our departments or email us direct. All support is via email, this ensures you are dealt with in strict order. However if you server is down, it will always be treated as high priority.

How To Get Started With it?

Once your PBX has started, you will get an email with a quick start guide of how to get into your PBX, together with your other logins like SSH.

What is the minimum contract?

The minimum contract is one month. However we plan to bring our a one year contract with a discounted price. Return back to our products page for more information.

Do you have hourly rates?

No we do not. You pay for the month, however if you are not satisfied, you can cancel after one month without incurring extra costs.

Can you provide any licenses?

Coloniesonline, the hosting company behind FonPBX is a reseller for VitalPBX and other PBX software companies. We do not have an option in the check to purchase licenses yet, but please contact us and we can provide competitive prices.

I have tried to order and it shows out of stock, can I not order a PBX?

We are always bringing new “auto provisioning” servers online. However from time to time, our auto ordering system does not have any host servers with available resources. If this should happen, please contact us and we will organise the order manually. Once payment has been received, we will send you the details. Your PBX server will be on the same specification server as the auto provision servers, it is just that they are not connected to the ordering system and are used for custom orders. You will have the same control and service as our “auto provision” servers provide.

Still have questions?